So, here I am.....

The girl that said she'd never blog. The far from computer savvy girl that is always up for a challenge despite a serious lack of time.My blog goals. Do I have blogging goals? Hmmm, I guess I should. So I pledge to be funny, lighthearted, not vent or complain to much and maybe just maybe share a crumb of wit and wisdom on occassion.I will most likely chat about etsy, my addiction and muse. the incredible artsists and friends I have found in a community that oozes with creativity, friendship, support and a home for all things handmade.You will hear me ramble about the insanity of my life including my 3 boys, ages 12, 16 and 53. Yes, that last one I am married to, but trust me, he is just as much boy as man. After 17 years of marriage I find myself raising him along with them. Then again, he would probably say the same of me at times. I will often speak of friends I would go to the ends of the earth for and a family that more often than not defines dysfunction. Then again, I strongly believe a functional family is the stuff legends are made of.I am a lover of music of all kinds and not so much the TV ( except maybe Glee). I have an addiction to handmade glass, especially venetian and lampwork beads as well as unique pottery. I have made a concerted effort to tame my jewelry fetish with my own creations which can be seen at you haven't figured out by now, I can jabber my jaws and my fingers as if someone could care what I have to say.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

A New Frontier

So, it's finally here. Cyber Monday. I am a part of it for the first time. I am excited. I am nervous and I sit impatiently for the unveiling of this cyber shopping phenom. Somehow, I just don;t think it will havethe excitement of the b&M malls with all the noise and fuss. maybe that's a good thing. So, instead of hitting the mall running, I will be hitting the computer chair, keyboarding. I will be hawking my wares to the technologically profient crowd and hoping for the best.
check out my favorites for a few hints on great buys, and visit me here and here so come visit.

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